I've seen 3 "different" object over the years.....the first one
with my mother in Idaho...in the summer, about 30yr. ago...about 3a.m.
coming from the western skyline. It was a formation of 7,
somethings...which were in a chevron shape...NO SOUND whatsoever, just
before we could see anything, we both...at the same time...felt a type
of vibration...could hear...a hummm, sort of...and then a transformer at
the end of the block blew. All of a sudded these dark V shaped objects
were moving over our block. The hair stood up on our arms...and back of
our necks..and that was it.
2. Me and my mom agian...but about 13 years later...early in the am, in
Idaho on hiway 55 going north. Calm ... no lights in that
area...whatsoever....My two babies asleep in their car seats in the back
seat. She and I were softly talking and we both felt static electricity
or something...To the right, arcross the river....we could see a very
intense shaft of light, like that of a helicopter shining down into the
trees. I pulled over and we watched...fully expecting to hear and see
the helicopter. Well, we rolled down our windows...and...nothing. Just
the light....bright as ever! This big shaft from the sky. No sound,
nothing..not even any kind of object could be seen above the light. She
say...let's get the hell outta here...and we did! It just dissapeared
and that was that!
3. About 4-5 years ago...my daughter and I were on our way to town,
Cascade Idaho....from my mom's house on the lake. As we were moving
north in full daylight... we both noticed a reflection in the sky. It
looked exactly like two parallel, jet trails...pieces of two..at about
11 o'clock angle. We noticed no trails on either end and commented on
it being wierd. They didn't thin out as we expected...and seemed to be
moving more to the east. We pulled over into a rest stop and parked to
watch. They continued to move in parallel to oneanother...until they
were sitting totally horizonally over the saddle area of the mountain
range, just on the other side of the 1-2 mile, Cascade Lake. As we
watched, the lower one moved into a vertical position so the two "lines"
looked like a "T". Then they simply sunk down into the saddle area
where there is indeed a very remote lake. And we could no longer see
them. It was strange too, because they gave off a line of reflection
the entire time. Again, no sound. I watched the saddle area from my
place in town until dusk...and saw nothing else.